Business terms and conditions, complaints procedure
Photos, video records as well as their parts published at are subject to the intellectual property. The operator is an owner of copyrights to the published records. Any copying and distribution without the prior consent of the websites´ operator is prohibited. The customer is responsible for any possible damage incurred to the Operator due to the breach of its copyrights or other personality rights.
Basic company information
- The operators of the online shop are as follows:
Richard Novotný, IČ: 12620548, is not subject to VAT
Jana Hladíková, IČ: 41717881, is not subject to VAT
Barbora Hladíková, IČ: 01371789, is not subject to VATPayments in the e-shop are possible by credit card through the payment gateway of Fio banka a.s. Each operator has its own payment gateway and payments are credited to an account held with Fio banka a.s. under its name.
- Place of business: Libická 2034/17, 130 00, Praha 3,
- E-mail:
- Phone:
Opening hours - Libická 17, Praha 3:
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
Friday: 8.00 am - 5.30 pm
Payment in cash only.
Photos for ID cards, visas etc.
The meaning of the terms
- Delivery time – is time till when the Seller is able to prepare the purchased Goods for personal pick-up, or a period till which the Seller is able to hand the purchased Goods to a forwarder.
- Basket – is a summary of Goods chosen by the Customer and intended for purchase.
- Complaints procedure – is a special part of business terms regulating the procedure in case that any defects of delivered Goods are lodged.
- Order – is a binding manifestation of the Customer´s will to buy Goods, made via the E-shop and aimed towards the Seller.
- Customer – is a natural or legal person who manifests its will via the E-shop to enter into a purchase agreement which subject is Goods. It is a person who buys products or uses services for another purpose than for entrepreneurship with the offered Goods. The purchase of photos and video records for purpose of the public distribution, propagation or usage in terms of entrepreneurship is prohibited.
- Goods – are products displayed in the E-shop for purpose of their sale.
- User account – is a customer interface which the Customer creates by registering in the E-shop. It serves to repeated purchase when the Customer is not obliged to fill in personal and invoice data again. It serves also to monitoring of ongoing as well as realized purchases.
- Registration – means a process of establishing a virtual Customer´s User account in the E-shop.
Availability of Goods
After the order is finished and sent, a confirmation of such an order together with price recapitulation and completion term will be sent to the email mentioned in the registration.
The order may be made only via the Customer´s User account. The Goods are ordered by choosing the Goods and inserting them into the Basket. The Customer´s order becomes binding by sending it to the Operator via E-shop.
After the Order is filled in and sent in the stipulated way, the Customer will receive a written order confirmation from the Seller via email.
The order confirmation contains: order number, contact data, delivery address, order items, price of ordered goods, way and price of transport.
All photos orderd in a digital form will be saved on CD (unless otherwise specified). On a day when it is possible to pick up the purchased (ordered) Goods in a place defined for personal taking, eventually when it is handed to a forwarder, the Customer will be informed about this fact via email. Any Customer´s changes of delivery or uploading of the order may be made only after an agreement between the Operator and Customer; the best form is via email.
The proprietary right to Goods is transferred to the Customer after the total purchase price is paid and Goods are taken over.
Pick-up of Goods, transport
Personal pick-up at the address: Libická 17, Prague 3, Monday - Friday 8.00 – 18.30. Personal pick-up is free of charge. Cash-on-delivery shipment per post, shipment per post, shipment abroad: Prices differ according to the weight of consignment – you can find detailed prices in the pricelist of each action; price for transport will be calculated exactly when the order is being finished.
Takeover of order
The Customer is obliged to take over the consignment within one month after the day when it is prepared for the takeover at the latest. If the order is not picked up within 10 days, automatic emails will be sent containing the information about no pick-up of consignment and the offer of sending the order as cash on delivery. After eight up to ten months, the last email about shredding of the order will be sent; orders are shredded after one year.
Warranty period
The Seller provides the statutory warranty for all Goods offered in the E-shop. The warranty is not applied to ordinary wear and tear. The warranty period begins at the moment when Goods are taken over by the Customer. The warranty period is applied only to Customers who act in this relationship as consumers, pursuant to the Civil Code. The way of enforcing the rights arising from any product´s defect is regulated by the Complaints procedure.
Withdrawal from the contract
The Customer may withdraw from the contract till the moment when the order is finished but is obliged to pay the Operator the amount for already executed works, if the contractor may not use their result for other purposes, and to compensate the appropriately expended costs. If the Customer withdraws from the contract before the contractor begins to process the order, such withdrawal will be free of charge. If the processing or an order has already started, the Customer will pay the amount corresponding to the already executed works.
When is it not possible to withdraw from the contract:
The Customer may not withdraw from the contract within 14 days after the fulfilment (finished order) is taken over if the contract is concluded via remote communication means (e.g. internet), due to the statutory exception: Section 53 (8) c), Civil Code, which excludes such withdrawal from the contract: “in case of Goods adjusted according to the Consumer´s wish or made-to-measure Goods” and “supply of audio and video records and computer programs if the consumer disturbed their original packaging”. The withdrawal shall always have a written form. The electronic communication means are considered as a written form.
Obligatory force
By concluding the contract, the Customer confirms to get acquainted with these business terms and to agree with them. The purchaser is advised of these business terms sufficiently before the order is realized and has the possibility to get acquainted with them. These business terms are an integral part of the concluded contract. The contract is concluded in the Czech language and in the English language as regards the English version of websites. The Seller reserves a right to change these business terms whereas all changes will be published at
The obligatory force of such changed conditions begins with their publication. All legal relations arising from the purchase and sale of Goods are governed by the Czech law if the peremptory rules of the international law do not stipulate otherwise.
All terms beginning with capital letters are terms defined in the preamble of these business terms.
Complaints procedure
We provide a statutory six-month warranty period for the finished order. In case the Customer finds out any defect on the purchased Goods during the warranty period, which was not caused by improper usage but by defect on a product itself, the Customer has a right to complaint the Goods within the warranty period, pursuant to this Complaints procedure.
The warranty period begins on a day when the order is taken over. When the consignment delivered via postal services is taken over, the Customer´s obligation is to check the external condition of consignment. In case the consignment has any external damage, do not take it over from the forwarder and contact us. The Seller is responsible for the completeness of undamaged consignment. The Customer complains the Goods personally in the Operator´s registered office, eventually via postal services. If the postal services are used, the Customer shall send the defective Goods properly packed to the Seller´s registered office together with the attached covering letter describing the found defects and circumstances preceding the manifestation of these defects. The Customer shall attach also documents proving the Seller´s responsibility for complained Goods (email from the order, order copy in the email) or a statutory declaration about the purchase of goods with the data identical to the order (Customer´s name, complete address and approximate order date).
The Seller is not responsible for any damage of complained goods caused during the transport to the Seller via postal services, no matter whether the damage was caused by improper transport or improper packaging. If the complaint is lodged by sending, we recommend to send it as a registered parcel, not as cash on delivery (Goods sent as cash on delivery will not be taken over).
The Seller is obliged to issue the Customer a written confirmation with the information when the Customer enforced the liability right, what the content of complaint is and which way of complaint settlement the Customer requires, and also a confirmation about the made repair and time of its duration, eventually a written justification of the complaint rejection.
Costs for transport in case of the recognized complaint are paid by the Seller.
The complaint within the warranty period is not applied to defects caused by:
- Mechanical damage and wear and tear
- Natural disasters (water, fire, storm)
- Lighting and temperature factors